How Much Coffee is Too Much in One Day?
It appears that coffee has integrated as a habitual part in our life, and we feel the day somewhat elusive without coffee drinks. Think of the question mentioned above, how much coffee is too much for your body? Will you view it a large dose of caffeine intake or just half of your daily amount? Of course caffeine taken overdose harms both your physical and mental health, but what is the standard or say the warning line?
The answer: 6 cups of coffee makes a great difference.
How much coffee is too much in a day?
In fact, up to 4 cups will cause undesirable symptoms like headaches, insomnia, vomit and relevant heart issues. More than 6 cups of caffeine consumption will worsen the situation and can even be detrimental to the over health of people with severe caffeine sensitivity.
Remember that drinking no more than 3 cups of coffee a day keeps you at a balanced and positive state. You feel alert and have increased concentration on your target tasks.
Here provides you a reasonable assortment of coffee drinks, tasty as well, serving for your after-meals sweets. A cup of medium-roast Caffè latte perks you up in the morning. Viennese made of fresh cream, chocolate syrup and hot coffee keeps you alert during a sleepy afternoon. And a cup of decaf coffee sends an undisturbed dream.(Does decaf coffee dehydrate you?)
How much caffeine in a cup of coffee
Types |
Caffeine content |
Espresso |
63 mg of caffeine per shot |
Brewed coffee |
90-160 mg of caffeine |
Instant coffee |
30-90 mg of caffeine |
Decaf coffee |
2-12 mg of caffeine |
There are some foods that contain caffeine besides coffee, like tea and chocolate. Figure out your daily caffeine intake and avoid unnecessary caffeine consumption.
What will happen when adding up your daily cups?
It is not a contradiction to what just said above. Due to different caffeine acceptability, it varies in the effects on people following diverse brewing methods and distinct drinking habits.
Studies have shown that nearly 20% coffee drinkers get lower risks of being infected with some diseases like diabetes and cancers, especially those holding good caffeine absorption and acceptability.
For those in poor health condition or sensitive to caffeine, consuming a large dose of caffeine may come down to bad results. Thus, you may as well cut the daily caffeine intake and replaces with decaf coffee, lemon tea or milk, or say maintain the amount in moderation.
Lay more attention if you suffer from caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
How to get rid of symptoms of caffeine overdose?
You may have suffered from unpleasant feelings of caffeine taken overdose. Like a pounding head, a troubled stomach, a racing heartbeat, insomnia, depression, anxiety, diarrhea and so on. Therefore, you’d better cultivate a healthy coffee drinking habit which will gradually improve your body inner systems.
Have awareness that coffee is one of caffeinated drinks that boost your metabolism and help you to be a good self-controller. No more caffeine dependency, and hereby, you will know when to sleep and how to work efficiently.
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