An Easy Way to Make Lip Balms
If you like to DIY, you should try to make a lip balm by yourself. It doesn’t only help you to save money, but also provides you worry-free lip moisturizer without chemical addition. If you feel nervous that it would be complicated as I used to, you have to read my recipe. In this recipe, all materials are easy to be purchased and the making process won’t take you much time. It just contains four ingredients but can provide enough protection for your dry lips. Quick Tip: How to Cure Chapped Lips Fast
Before you start, prepare the materials below:
12 grams of Coconut oil
5 grams of beeswax
2 capsules of Vitamin E
2-3 drops of essential oil
Used-up lip balm shells
Now, Let’s start to make it!
Step 1 – Prepare a small pot and boil some water in it.
Step 2 – Prepare a clean beaker for the 12 grams of coconut oil. Put the beaker up on the boiling water. Make sure water won’t enter into the beaker.
Step 3 – Add the 5 grams of beeswax into the coconut oil. Stir until it all melted. Then, squeeze 2 capsules of Vitamin E into it, not including the outer layers of the capsules.
Step 4 – Take out the beaker from the pot. Then, add two to three drops of essential oil and mix it up. You can choose one as your will. I put orange essential oil into it. I like its sweet scent, just like I eat drink a cup of orange juice when I use it. How scents affect our mood
Notice: It’s better to wait until the mixture has been cooled down. On account of, the essential oil will volatilize easily.
Step 5 – Pour the liquid into the lip balm molds as soon as you mix it up, or it will curdle. The molds can be easily purchased on Amazon. And put the bottom half of used-up lip balm shells on the molds.
Step 6 – Wait for 4 hours until it curdles. And then, remove the molds carefully.
They are also considerable gifts for family or friends. You can make more of them when Christmas comes. For better results, buy high-quality ingredients from a reputable brand that sources their products in a sustainable, ethical, and safe manner. And you can try to experiment with different ingredients to find one you like best. What’s more, start with only a few and adjust the recipes to make it better.