Why Should You Avoid Adding Sugar to Coffee
Sugar is a common request when ordering coffee. But since we’ve seen tons of fitness researches about benefits of only drinking black coffee, do we really think about how...
Is It Bad to Workout on An Empty Stomach
Can I workout on an empty stomach? Or to say, should I run before breakfast or after? Conflicting opinions from the fitness and medical communities concerning eating before exercise...
Why Should You Drink A Glass of Water Before Bed
Water makes up 60% of our body weight and helps lose weight, improves our skin and makes ourselves full of energy. Through one super simple thing – keeping drinking...
Is It Good to Reheat Coffee in the Microwave
Using the microwave for reheating your coffee is the most common method. Simply pour perfectly good left over coffee in a microwave for 30 seconds and stir, especially when...
Should You Take a Hot or Cold Shower after Workout
When you work out, cardio acceleration forces more oxygen-rich blood pumping to your muscles. Hot, sweaty and exhausted you are when the exercise winds up. Top of most people’s...
How Long Should You Wait after Eating to Exercise
You are well-prepared to push yourself in an after-dinner workout with plans, but hold an uncertainty whether you will feel uncomfortable for having just finished eating. So how long...
Why Should You Eat Garlic on An Empty Stomach
People have consumed garlic for centuries for its numerous benefits. And it’s regarded as the “King of spices” in many places around the world, not only for its amazing...