Giveaway for Tea Lovers: Win a Glass Teapot for Brewing Loose Leaf Tea

By October 24, 2016

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If you are the one who serve yourself a cup of tea to jump-start your day, you are not alone. Tea is the second most popular drink in the world next to coffee. Most people love tea. What makes tea truly appealing for most people is how healthy it is and how versatile it can be. And here, our fellow tea loving friends, Ecooe offers you a chance to win a glass teapot for brewing loose leaf tea.

I love tea

Brewing tea is an art and learning for tea lovers. The tea leaves, amount of water used, water temperature, steeping time and the vessel the tea is brewed in, all these effect the flavor of a cup of tea. There are many ways to make a cup of perfect tea, but brewing tea with a glass teapot is easy and can also bring you a delicious cup of tea.

Brewing loose leaf tea can bring a cup of better tea than tea bags, for the tea bags contain very poor quality tea. Also, making tea with a teapot with a built-in infuser can ensure the tea leaves expand adequately, which helps make a perfect cup of tea.   

Ecooe glass teapot is built with an infuser. What’s more, the glass teapot is made of borosilicate glass which makes it stovetop friendly for gas, electromagnetic, electric ceramic stove.

Your heart goes for it? Then hurry up, do the following entries to win Ecooe Glass Teapot.

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  1. I’m a big fan of both, coffee is usually my first thing in the morning and tea my last at night

  2. i only drink tea so this would be a fab win for me

  3. I love a strong coffee first thing in the morning then it’s always tea I drink throughout the day,my favourite tea is Raspberry and cranberry x

  4. Tea

  5. need to start the day on a nice cup of tea

  6. love green tea

  7. I drink coffee EVERY morning

  8. I have never decanted red wine.

  9. I brew tea bags on the stove

  10. I usually drink green tea

  11. I have several cups of coffee daily

  12. Tea is what i love the most & drink every day!

  13. I love both, but I’ve become a mega coffee drinker in the mornings. Regular coffee with half and half cream; no sugar.

  14. Both depends on the time of day

  15. I like them both

  16. I love Tea the most but like having Coffee atleast once a day

  17. Tea the stronger the better 😀

  18. I love mint tea

  19. Jasmine tea works wonders, every day – or at least a green tea!

  20. Tea. I don’t like coffee.

  21. Oolong tea is my fave. Love it!

  22. Coffee

  23. daily must have beverage would have to be tea

  24. I love tea, but never drink coffee.

  25. I love tea!

  26. I am a tea drinker.

  27. Tea!!! I can’t do anything without a cup of tea.

  28. I am a coffee drinker.

  29. I drink Assam most

  30. Definitely tea for me with sweeteners and semi-skimmed goats milk :)

  31. I’m a tea drinker, but have the ocassional coffee

  32. I love my morning coffee – black!

  33. I love tea. I’m love all kinds of tea. My fave is traditional English breakfast tea.

  34. Tea over coffee, absolutely! Black tea is the perfect compromise, delicious flavor with a kick of caffeine.

  35. Definitely Coffee

  36. I am THEEE best sweet tea maker. It just came natural to me. I just now started drinking coffee and I can’t choose which is better.

  37. Green tea is what I love most.

  38. Both , love a evening cup of tea

  39. I don’t like tea or coffee, but my partner loves Yorkshire tea, and my daughters loves all sorts of tea.

  40. I like them both, but coffee best in the morning!

  41. Tea first thing in the morning and at teatime and coffee mid morning to keep me going!

  42. I honestly drink both! Usually Coffee in the morning and hot tea at night.

  43. Any of David’s Loose-Leaf Teas are my go to tea.

  44. Gotta be a strong, sweet tea in the morning to get me ready for the day ahead !

  45. Rooibos and chai mix. Great for this time of tbe year!

  46. I am mainly a coffee drinker but I only drink frothy coffee made from my espresso machine. When I drink tea, I only drink Earl Grey tea leaves. I sound really fussy!

  47. I love pumpkin spice decaf tea

  48. Green tea with Lemon and ginger

  49. Mine would be green tea

  50. I have to have my tea!

  51. Come and share a cup of tea, my home is warm and my friendship’s free!

  52. Tea is my must have and the only thing since I don’t drink coffee.

  53. Coffee with flavored creamer and two packets of sweetener is my morning beverage of choice.

  54. Tea

  55. I love both Coffee and Tea :)

  56. I really love tea, but I usually have coffee first thing in the morning.

  57. This would be perfect for making my fresh teas from plants in the garden (mint, lemon balm, etc)

  58. I drink both green and peppermint equally.

  59. Daily beverage is coffee

  60. Great giveaway!

  61. My daily must have is probably some nice Earl Grey! Or Chai tea.

  62. I usually drink tea daily!

  63. I love tea

  64. Must have coffee in the morning and when working. When I get home I love a cup of loose leaf tea. I get different kinds a my local bulk food store.

  65. Entered! If I win this amazing tea pot , I will definitely offer it to my lovely daughter who mostly like tea ! Thank you for this nice giveaway !

  66. I drink green tea most!

  67. I will have a cup of hot coffee when I am a little more tires then usual.

  68. I love the design of the Ecooe glass teapot, so chic and modern looking. I would love to have one in my kitchen. I also think the built in infuser. The taste of steep tea is away above teabags, there really is no comparison.

  69. This teapot is a sense warmer… to see it and then taste it … makes it a beautiful moment with my cup of tea.

  70. I drink Tea in the morning just made with a tea bag in a mug and then I tend to drink coffee in the afternoon! Green tea in the evenings!

  71. Tea, always and forever!

  72. My daily must have beverage is definitely tea!

  73. Love tea

  74. For me it must be Coffee, but for my wife Tea

  75. I love black teas most.

  76. I love a good mix of teas and coffees, hot and cold.

  77. Always coffee in the morning but then by midday I switch to black tea

  78. I always prefer tea rather than coffee because of my skin. I love tea ….,

  79. I love Chinese White Tea!

  80. I love my tea. Morning. Noon and night

  81. I love both Coffee and Tea. I’m a Tim Hortons coffee drinker and I enjoy my tea at home and spend time at my mom’s. I’ll probably give this to her if I win.

  82. I boil water in a pot on the stoverge because my kettle broke. I enjoy my tea with a small pinch of sweetener and a drop of milk. one coffee in the morning and tea all day long

  83. Tea. The near-endless varieties allow for pairing with any meal, any situation, or any mood. Tea is so much more versatile and refined than coffee, and there is so much yet to be discovered about this ancient beverage.

  84. I drink so many kinds of tea! My favorite is looseleaf and Iike to brew it and drink it nice and strong!

  85. I’d love this for my green tea blends

  86. I drink green tea

  87. I drink coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon and evening.

  88. For My Black tea, I use 2 teaspoons of leaves at temp of 200℉ and steep for about 3-4 min. delicious.

  89. Other than my first cup of coffee, the rest of the days belongs to TEA

  90. I love both! Coffee is great for a morning wake-me-up but I prefer the health benefits of tea, especially green tea.

  91. I am a tea drinker

  92. Beautiful teapot

  93. I choke down coffee in the morning. I hate it but the caffeine works. I like to enjoy a cup of tea though when I’m relaxing.

  94. I like to start the day with coffee but drink tea throughout the rest of the day and have a nice herbal tea before bed.

  95. I am an avid tea drinker?

  96. Coffee is my daily beverage.

  97. Tea! At least one cup of orange pekoe to star my day.

  98. Tea and nothing else

  99. I love tea

  100. Tea, definitely tea. I am allergic to coffee.

  101. Coffee for the wake up and tea thereafter!!

  102. Tea – sometimes roobios, sometimes chamomile, sometimes ginger and lemon.

  103. I like green tea occasionally.

  104. 2 cups of coffee is my limit and only in the morning.

  105. My go to in the morning is a nice, dark French Roast.

  106. I definitely have to have my nightly cup of hot tea.

  107. Tea, several cups a day

  108. Liquorice tea

  109. What a great little tea pot. This would be great for my home grown mint tea varieties.

  110. I don’t drink coffee. However, my husband does. I’m going to email this article to several family members. Coffee on an empty stomach may cause problems, though my hubby has never mentioned any of the symptoms mentioned.

  111. I don’t drink wine, so I don’t decant it. My husband does though. After reading the article I’ll ask my husband to decant in the future and tell him why he should do so.

  112. I heat my water to 180ish, add around a tablespoon of loose tea leaves for each cup of tea I’m making, steep for about 2 minutes (so it’s a flavor I like), then strain & ENJOY!

  113. Green Tea

  114. I prefer tea!

  115. Chamomile tea is a must have! Coffee is a treat!

  116. I love my morning coffee and my evening tea! I love a hot drink :)

  117. My favourite between coffee and tea is tea hands-down because of its goodness and antioxidants present in it. It’s taste is also great if prepared well.

  118. Wish to win and I really Love tea as I my days starts with a Hot cup of Tea

  119. I drink coffee in the morning and tea all day

  120. Tea + fresh mint
    I use teabags mostly, I don’t have an infuser.
    I don’t drink wine.
    I usually take a lot of time to decide whether to drink tea or coffee in the morning, I go with coffee (caramel macchiato ) if I didn’t find fresh mint.

  121. coffee at the morning and tea at the evening

  122. I have to have coffee everyday

  123. Tea

  124. I love green tea

  125. I’m a big fan of both! I usually drink tea when I’m out and about but coffee at home.

  126. Ordinary breakfast tea

  127. Usually tea.

  128. Normally just in a mug – but in a teapot when we have visitors

  129. I love tea but coffee is my first cup in the morning .

  130. I don’t drink coffee on an empty stomach and like it best late morning or early afternoon.

  131. Coffee <3

  132. I like both tea and coffee.

  133. Coffee – I have a machine for the morning that makes me five to six mugs!!

  134. Coffee is a must on a daily basis. Tea is just for the periodic interuption of life.

  135. coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and at night

  136. I drink both, usually coffee in am and tea (decaf) in pm and after meals. Thank you!

  137. I have one coffee and around 4 cups of tea for the day.

  138. I like my 2 coffies in the morning but I drink atleast 6 cups of tea a day.

  139. My daily must haves are coffee in the morning and tea (all kinds) the rest of the day.

  140. I am really into Chai tea right now – but my other favorite is Earl Grey.

  141. I drink both depending on the time of day.

  142. Coffee first (New Orleans Coffee & Chicory actually. Tea in the afternoon, Chinese Black.

  143. Chamomile tea, at night. Coffee in the am only. Wish I had a nicer pot!

  144. I prefer my Green Tea about four times a day, I find it very soothing the whole process of brewing it. Thanks for the chance to with this beautiful teapot!

  145. I am a big tea drinker, can’t get enough!

  146. In the morning, in the evening. Its always good.

  147. I love tea in the morning, thank you so much for the great offer!

  148. I drink mint tea mostly. But don’t mind trying new teas.

  149. Coffee and tea daily!!!

  150. Coffee first and then tea all day! :)

  151. Cool looking teapot !

  152. I have no preferance to be honest. I like Coffee first thing and then tea throughout the day.

  153. Tea

  154. Great teapot! Love to win so I can brew flower teas

  155. Tea first thing, coffee for elevens

  156. Nice teapot, will need to get some of those flower teas to show it off

  157. Great giveaway! thanks

  158. green tea

  159. English breakfast tea but I also drink a lot of mint Green tea and make my own lemon and ginger tea

  160. Such a beautiful teapot. Love it!

  161. Spearmint

  162. ordinary tea