How Many mg of Caffeine in a Cup of Coffee

By November 25, 2016

Is it necessary to figure out how many mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee? As proved by medical community, moderate amount of caffeine intake has some beneficial aspects, for example, it could be a potential protector against Parkinson’s disease. But all you should pay attention here, if overdosing caffeine, it would also wreck your health. So a general calculation of daffeine intake from drinks seems that necessary now, especially for those who prefer to daily coffee drinking. 

caffeine amount

So, how many mg of caffeine in an average cup of coffee?

Well, that would depend on the type of coffee you’re drinking. On average, a single cup of coffee about 207 milliliters or a single shot of espresso about 30ml can be expected to contain the following amounts of caffeine:

  • drip coffee: 115 – 175 mg;
  • espresso: 60 mg;
  • brewed/passed: 80 – 135 mg;
  • instant: 65 – 100 mg;
  • decaf, brewed: 3 -4 mg;
  • decaf, instant: 2-3 mg;

Surely, this is also related to what types of coffee beans your coffee is made of. Different varieties of coffee beans contains different levels of caffeine. 

Arabica beans range from 1.2% to 1.8%, while Robusta beans can reach as high as 2.4%, and some relatively non-commercial beans such as Excelsa (aka Chari) can have almost no caffeine at all, making them a perfect component for naturally low-caffeine coffee bean blends. 

Caffeine Amount Varies from Coffee Beans

Well, if specific speaking from the places people are often going for coffee, the caffeine also varies. 

If you’re going to Starbucks, one and a half tall cups (12 oz) of Starbucks drip coffee contains the maximum amount of caffeine you should have in a day;

How Many Mg of Caffeine of A Starbucks Coffee Contains

If McDonald’s is closer, about four 12 oz cups of McDonald’s drip coffee contain the maximum amount of caffeine you should have in a day;

How Many Mg of Caffeine of A MacDonald Coffee Contains

If you’re more in the mood for a latte, about five and a half 12 oz lattes contain the maximum amount of caffeine you should have in a day;

How Many Mg of Caffeine of A Latte Coffee Contains

Well, if you don’t like to drink coffee or are on the way to get rid of coffee, here’re 5 healthy alternatives to replace coffee

Related Readings about Coffee and Caffeine:

How Long Before Bed Should You Stop Drinking Coffee?

How Many Cups of Coffee A Day Should You Drinks?





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