How to boost your immune system against COVID-19?

By May 15, 2020

How to boost your immune system against COVID-196
COVID-19 has been a worldwide crisis haunting everyone’s mind. The media frequently ask you to wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer and suggest that boosting the immune system is the best way you can do to fight against COVID-19. But how exactly?

Adequate sleep
How to boost your immune system against COVID-191
Quality and adequate sleeping play an important role in getting you recovered and help build a stronger immune system. For adults, the best time is between six to eight hours per night. If you find yourself hard to fall asleep, think about if you are affected by electronics like tablets, phones, and TVs. Try as possible to reduce the time on them and focus more on non-tech activities including reading and playing crosswords. If that still can’t help, melatonin supplements may be a good option.

Healthy diet
How to boost your immune system against COVID-192
Multiple foods can prevent you from nutritional deficiencies and reduce your possibility of getting affected with viruses and bacteria. Make sure you eat adequate whole-foods like grains, beans, and those containing a large amount of fiber like vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, stay away from high-carb food or artificial sugars, because they will lead to spikes in blood sugar and type-2 diabetes, which is known as the disease most susceptible to COVID-19.

How to boost your immune system against COVID-193
Vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are claimed to be helpful in boosting the immune system. Most of them are popular on the internet and just can’t be supported scientifically. But there’s one kind that reportedly has immune-boosting properties, Vitamin C. It is often used to prevent the common cold and help maintain healthy skin. However, you need to be sure not to take up over 2,000 mg per day, or else it may cause diarrhea and other diseases.

Intermittent fasting
How to boost your immune system against COVID-194
Fasting every once in a while is proved to be beneficial to the body. Just suspend eating for at least 16-18 hours after your last meal, your body will be more focused on the immune system, getting rid of the damaged cells and energizing the current immune cells. Intermittent fasting is recommended only when you’re already healthy and is better to be no more than 36 hours during the outbreak of the coronavirus. After all, try fasting in a sudden can lead to a temporary decrease in immunity and increase the potential of infection.

Stress management
How to boost your immune system against COVID-195
Temporary stress can boost your reaction capability, but too much of it will leave you vulnerable to infections and diseases. From now on, just turn your point from the uncertainties towards the future to your happiness at the present. You can’t make the situation disappear, but you can take measures to control how you react to it. Meditation, yoga, getting outside to have a walk are all great activities to keep you in a good mood. Of course, you can also do things you love to make your days much more pleasant, such as playing games and watching TV.

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