How to hold red a wine glass

By May 4, 2018

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The style of holding a red wine glass isn’t confined to one fixed pattern. You can do it at your ease. However, there is actually social etiquette to be observed. It might be better for you to have a good knowledge of the right and proper way to hold the glass.

Basic rule:

  • Hold wine glasses towards the base of the stem between your thumb and first two fingers.
  • Never hold the bowl.


Here introduce you 4 correct ways to hold a wine glass.

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1# The standard way

This method requires you to hold the stem between your thumb, index finger and middle finger. Remember to pinch the stem lower, closing to the base.

2# Two fingers works

Only your thumb and index finger make a direct contact with the stem of the glass. Cross your thumb and index finger and put the stem in.

  1. First wrap your index finger along the stem to the other side, forming a circle with your thumb.
  2. Pinch the stem with your two fingers at the same time.
  3. The three fingers remained curl and pinch the stem into your palm. Thus, thumb at one side, and the four at the other side to hold the glass. Be sure that your litter finger does not touch the base of the glass.

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3# Stem grabbing

This method seems like the above one, but you should position your thumb and index finger grabbing the stem just right above the case. The remaining three fingers are put under the base of the glass. To provide a stable position, the three fingers underside of the base should support the glass and point inwards to your body.

4# Base levering

Only your thumb press above the base of the glass, together with 1/3 side of your index finger support the glass. The four fingers underside of the base should curl inward. This method comes to the most effort-needed and the least stable one, because it has the minimum area of contact between the glass and the fingers compared to the methods mentioned above.

What about a wine glass without stem?

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If you are to be held a stemless wine glass, things are changed differently.

There are also two ways polite enough to hold the glass.

1# Base grabbing

Since no stem given to be pinch, you can grab the glass with your thumb, index finger and the middle finger. And curl the two remaining fingers upward and inward and support the glass. Noting that even at this situation, all your fingers should be positioned at the bottom or middle of the glass. Don’t cover 2/3 surface of the glass.

2# Contact minimizing

This method seems to be a reasonable resolution for wine tasting, for the heat from our hand may affect, or say raise the temperature of, the wine in your glass. Thus, you can hold the glass only with a sip of your thumb and index finger.

Have you picked the most favorite way to hold a wine glass from above? If you have any questions, please edit in the comment boxes below.


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