Who should pay for the cost of E-cigarettes?
In recent years, the e-cigarettes have become more and more overwhelmingly popular with the slogans of fashion, fresh and youth. They are also labeled of being colorless, atoxic and harmless. And Tobacco cigars with a windproof ashtray are not quite common to see at home nowadays.
They are said to be a good way to help people to get rid of smoking. Their sales continue to rise without any hints of collapsing. So, is it really healthy for people to smoke e-cigars instead of tobaccos? Who is paying for them? Below are the data to show you who are the end customers of e-cigarettes.
The output of e-cigar continues to be lifted up with an overall market value in the world of millions of dollars.
Even though in 1963, an American named Gilbert applied for a patent of the non-tobacco cigar, the controlling force against smoking is reduced to be none, thus this product did not get any promotion at all. In 2003, the Chinese Pharmacist name Han Li, to some degree, invented the real e-cigar and made mass production of it in the next year in the domestic market of China. In 2005, this product has been sold outwards to the world.
With the exploration of more markets for this kind of cigarettes, the output of them also witnesses a sharp increase. According to the data issued by the research institute, the production of e-cigar has been increased by several times from 2013 to 2018, with a number of 2.2 billion pieces. And it is estimated that the output in 2022 will reach 4.7 billion pieces.
What a good excuse for smokers to use e-cigars to quit smoking. Most of the smokers take the e-cigar to be a good choice of keeping a healthy smoking life, which should be a good excuse instead of a good choice.
Investigated by ECigIntelligence, in order to avoid the second-hand smoking, the odor of the tobacco and the health problems, the concerning percent of people who choose the e-cigar ranks to be 27%, 16% and 8%, and all of them regard the e-cigar better than the ordinary tobacco cigars. The people who want to quit smoking and quit ordinary smoking account for 14% and 13%, while 13% of the rest people just choose the e-cigar to enable them to smoke in non-smoking areas.
Until September 6, 2019, the CDC has reported a totally 450 severe lung disease caused by e-cigar smoking, with five deaths caused maybe by smoking e-cigars. Even the reasons for those are under investigation, CDC calls for people to quit smoking e-cigars until it finds out the real reason behind the screen.
At present, more and more municipals have banned the e-cigars and enhanced the control of it. For example, San Francisco has been the first city to ban the selling of e-cigar in the city.