Why you are forgetful at a young age
Feeling forgetful is normal in your daily life. You may be always looking for your lost things like car keys, smartphones, and glasses. Or you may forget whether or not you’ve locked the door or switched off the cooker before you leave the house. If you are frequently experiencing memory loss at a young age, odds are slim that you have neurological problems like dementia or Alzheimer’s. Instead, that may result from many reasons.
Though you may not notice that, stress can take away your focus and attention and thus prevent you from remembering new information. When you are stressed, much of your mind is occupied by other concerns, but not the ones your later forget. This often feels like a memory problem, but in essence, the new info is just not stored in your memory.
Lack of sleep
How well you sleep can also affect your memory behavior. Generally, chronic lack of sleep may cause you to have problems with concentration and have a low energy level. Women during pregnancy and early years of nursing the baby mainly suffer from memory loss, and some jobs often require you to have irregular sleep patterns, including doctors, nurses, factory workers, and security guards. You need to frequently adjust yourself to a different time zone, which can affect your sleep quality.
Mental problems
Depression is another reason why you are forgetful because those who are depressed have difficulty getting focused and remember new stuff. In fact, anything that can affect the brain may cause memory loss, such as sleep apnea, certain medications, thyroid disease, nutritional impairments, etc,.
For better memory, experts suggest that you should eat food that is high in vitamin E, which is thought to protect neurons. Olive oil, peanuts, sunflower seeds, avocado, and leafy vegetables all contain rich vitamin E. In addition, regular exercise is also a good way to help keep your memory in good condition.
On the other hand, however, alcohol can affect your memory even if you drink moderately. With alcohol intake, the brain cells decrease, making new learning more and more difficult over time. Smoking is also believed to cause memory loss as it reduces the amount of oxygen that gets into the brain.